
Ayurveda Postpartum Care

Ayurveda Postpartum Care For a while now I have been very interested in a holistic approach to health.  A real drive to dive deeper in to understanding the why an ailment is presenting as oppose to just fixing the issue...

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Mother kisses newborn baby's nose

Why I chose to have a doula

Choosing a Doula – An Interview with Louise For this month’s blog post I interviewed my first client, Louise.  Louise was expecting her second child, Jasper, when she asked me to be her postpartum doula support.  I was interested to...

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The start of Matrescence

Your Matrescence Journey Matrescence.  According to the Cambridge dictionary, Matrescence is the “process of becoming a mother”. But what does this term actually mean?   Matrescence was a term coined by American anthropologist Dana Raphael PhD whilst she explored the...

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Mother Nurture Blog

Grab a cup of tea, sit back, and let my musings distract your mind for a short while.

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